Waltham Forest Stay Together have been working hard to inform people about the process for objection to the road closures in Capworth St...

How to object to TMO Vicarage & Capworth
The Traffic Orders closing Vicarage Road and Capworth Road are at present EXPERIMENTAL. They came into force on 30th October 2018. We...

Valerie Lewis and others organised an amazing meeting tonight at St Joseph's School to discuss the road closures in Capworth St and...

Fantastic News!
Delighted that the magnificent efforts of the Markhouse campaigners have resulted in the Council NOT implementing the proposed road...

Council asking what small business thinks
LBWF apparently wants to know what businesses think ... http://socsi.in/BoCSurvey_zcvTW However they have completely ignored the pleas...

Loakes' claims about shopping
Good to see this letter from LInda Miller from Enfield - where they are fighting similar battles against the perverse consequences of...
The expensive disaster that is Whipps Cross Roundabout
Clyde Loakes and his merry band of cycling ideologues devised a plan at enormous expense and at the loss of many lovely trees which was...
Petition on Shared Space from NFBUK
PLEASE SHARE THIS WIDELY. If you know any organisations who might wish to sign this letter, please forward the link to them as soon as...
Informative article in today's Guardian here "Many motorists are unaware of how strict – and expensive – the new rules are for the...
We're in the Guardian!
We were astonished to find that both the Council and Clyde Loakes have been nominated for Air Quality Awards when there is no evidence...