From the Prime Minister downwards, it seems as if the truth just doesnt matter anymore.
Just tell lies and keep telling them and somehow that becomes the fact.
"There was no Downing Street party" and if there was it definitely complied with all the Covid rules at the time."
Similarly despite massive opposition Waltham Forest Council are making all the Hilltop road closures permanent.
They state that these have not caused any increase congestion on boundary roads such as Forest Rd. This is despite photos and videos all over social media of the gridlock. They say that emergency services are happy when FOIs demonstrate they absolutely are not. And so on.
This was the objection sent from one of our members
"Dear Sir/Madam I am contacting you to object to the T26(20) Hilltop region road closures and to express the hope that these temporary closures are not made permanent. Further to concerns already expressed re delays to emergency services, I see that this will now be compounded by the work that has begun in narrowing Forest Road to motorised vehicles. I am a non driver but travel by bus along Forest Road most days and I know how gridlocked this road can be at peak times. This can only be exacerbated by the present ongoing changes and it is disturbing that in an emergency ambulances making for Whipps Cross hospital now are forced to go via the congested Forest Road. Previously they could go via Church Hill, a much more direct and less crowded route. I can only hope that if I have a heart attack or stroke when every second counts this does not happen at a peak time. A second perhaps less urgent point but concerning nevertheless. A few years ago when these closures were first mooted I recounted, at a ward meeting, my partner’s narrow escape when he skidded down the steep part of Howard road in wintry conditions. The councillor advised me , with obvious relief, that an alternative exit would be down the much gentler slope of the avenue. Now there is no escape from our streets except by Howard, Falmer and Hurst Road, all very steep roads which my partner would avoid like the plague in icy conditions. It was he who brought it up so he’s clearly concerned. Now I realise that we have not had ice or snow for a few winters but the time will come when we do. VERY unsafe. I realise that the intentions in implementing these closures were sincere but there is a law of unforeseen consequences and I feel much less safe in this area than I did when I moved in over 20 years ago."
And now they have responded......
