Cllr Clyde Loakes, the person leading the anti-car movement in Waltham Forest, and also trying to spread his beliefs and actions across the nation, has accused Waltham Forest Streets for All of NEGATIVITY.
He tweets on @labourstone ... he is a Labour Councillor for Leytonstone.... and is Deputy Council leader and Portfolio holder for the Environment.
Loakes is renowned for his approach. He blocks many residents whose opinions he does not like, when surely he is paid by us to listen to everyone?
This is a recent tweet from him to us.
"U never cease to surprise me at the depths of negativity u will descend to. Thats a very new low. Thankfully you are blessed with a group of very #positive neighbours, who despite ur sniping will continue to fight for & deliver improvements in ur neighbourhood. Go @E17hilltop!"
We discussed this. We thought about the negative aspects of the Mini Holland programme. This is what we highlighted.
The community has been bitterly divided by the way the project was imposed on the borough. Emotions are still running high and violent feelings against "the other side" are still in evidence on social media and in real life. Mini Holland in Waltham Forest is similar to the Brexit divide in the country. That is a very negative thing to inflict on us
The community has been shocked by what "consultation" means in this borough. Having spent their own time, energy and in some cases money, on making reasoned objections to aspects of the Mini Holland programme they have had their issues ignored and dismissed. When results have been demonstrated as being opposed to Cllr Loakes plans as in Leyton, Markhouse and Hilltop, he comes back again and again with a liittle group of activists until he gets the result changed to what he wants. This has left a terrible negative legacy of lack of trust in this Council. We can see that in all the other consultations that the Council puts forward with the general view on social media being "there's no point" "it's a sham" etc. This is a very negative outcome.
Road closures have caused numerous negative consequences for residents. Early on, one of our own committee members suffered a stroke in a community building in Grove Rd. The ambulance called us to say they could see the building but were stuck behind the bollards. 10 minutes later having made the required detour they arrived, and we have a recording of the paramedics cussing Mini Holland; unfortunately they do not want us to make this public as they say they fear for their jobs. Since then we have numerous incidents of emergency vehicle delay caused by road closures. Road closures make all journeys longer, causing unnecessary additional pollution. Road closures divert traffic onto adjoining roads where people also live, work, shop, go to school; this caused congestion and idling again increasing pollution. When there is an incident, there is no alternative route for traffic which again builds up increasing pollution and of course delay and inconvenience.
WFS4A has always supported safer cycling infrastructure. One of our key committee members is a lifetime cycling campaigner and transport planner. However Cllr Loakes believes that cycling provision should trump pedestrian space, bus lanes, room for emergency vehicles to overtake and every other transport need. Residents who rely on buses have seen the services reduced or axed due to the Mini Holland narrowed roads, closed roads, removal of bus lanes and increased congestion. This is a very negative impact on some of the most disadvantaged in our community.
Mini Holland purports to help us to ENJOY WALKING. However many of our loveliest parks now allow cyclists to speed through them, causing anxiety and potential danger to many walkers. Lots of pavement space has been removed to give over to cycle paths. Parking has been axed near many of residents' favourite walking places. Copenhagen crossings have been introduced against all expert advice, causing serious problems for pedestrians with sensory impairments and other disabilities. Shared paths have been created where pedestrians are at risk. All these impacts are negative.
We contend that the Mini Holland has had numerous NEGATIVE consequences. Other boroughs which have recently had Low Traffic Neighbourhoods imposed on them, apparently citing Covid as a reason, are now rising up with new evidence against road closures. This is a very POSITIVE development which we welcome.
We are also very POSITIVE about technology. We think that instead of wasting £30million plus in this borough alone on road closures etc funding should be put towards making our vehicles cleaner more quickly. There are all kinds of developments going forward which we support, because we are POSITIVE and FORWARD THINKING like that. :-)