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Lockdown leading to even more anti-vehicle measures

WFS4A supports proper cycling and walking infrastructure .... although we have constantly said these modes of transport are different and indeed often in conflict. We have seen in our own borough how pedestrian safety has been compromised to facilitate cyclists.

However we also understand that vehicles are also vital. We do not understand the "People versus Cars" rhetoric dished out by Sadiq Khan, Clyde Loakes and others. We know you can now have driverless cars, but I dont think the cars go off for jaunts on their own. As far as we know they always carry PEOPLE. And those people are often the most disadvantaged in our society including those who are elderly or those with disabilities. Vehicles are also essential for deliveries, rubbish collection, public transport, small businesses, carers ... the list goes on. All these vehicles are used by PEOPLE.

We do not understand the regressive narrative of those who want to get rid of cars and go back to some imaginary Hovis advert time when everyone walked their oxen several miles to the fields. The problem with cars is pollution, and there are technologies already available and being developed all the time to deal with that; electric cars and hydrogen fuelled vehicles are surely the way forwards.

Of course those who are fit, healthy, unencumbered should walk and cycle if they so desire. But this vicious attack on the rest of the population must stop.

Here is British Cycling Chief Julie Harrington

“Our country is undoubtedly at a crossroads, and we now face a stark choice between the old routine of cars, congestion and pollution or a new future of healthy streets, happy people and cleaner air,” Please email her and explain how road closures increase pollution, tell her about non-polluting cars, explain that many people are very UNHAPPY with trying to un-invent cars which provide so many possibilities for so many.

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