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Council does not want us to "HAVE OUR SAY"

This is the letter we sent to Cllr Loakes and others in relation to the current consultation, ironically entitled have your say Whether you agree with splitting the ME zone into several smaller ones or not, we think you should be able to vote on that! Complain here

14th May 2019

Dear Waltham Forest Decision Makers


We are writing to complain about the current consultation on changes to CPZs

  1. The decision to divide up the ME zone into smaller mini-zones has NOT been put out for consultation. Although you seem to have already made this decision we are strongly opposed to this. We ask that you re-visit your consultation document and allow residents to comment on this issue. Dividing up zones it will impose real difficulties and additional expenditure on some of the most vulnerable residents in the borough. Many elderly and disabled people can only visit shops, facilities, friends and relatives nearby by car and you are now proposing to restrict them to a few streets and make them pay to travel beyond them.

  2. Although you head the document “have your say” we are not able to have our say about the times. The only choice is a long time or an even longer time. You will have received representations in the past from residents wanting to have only one hour restriction in the middle of the day. We think residents should be allowed to comment on this option.

  3. Where has the idea of “residents only” bays come from and do people actually understand that this means no visitors, no builders. It is not clear from the website and we know from our members that several of them did not understand what this meant and ticked “yes” when they actually meant “no”.

  4. The method of consultation is very discriminatory against the thousands of people who are not particularly computer literate.

  5. There is nowhere to raise the many other issues about CPZs eg waiting times outside doctors, chemists, post-offices and independent shops and businesses. Everyone would be affected by difficulties for online deliveries and tradespeople. The most vulnerable will again would be worst affected if there is nowhere for doctors, carers and visiting family and friends to park.

  6. There is no opportunity to agree with one answer from a respondent … you have to agree with all of them or none

  7. The consultation period is very short and also takes place in Ramadan, which prevents many of our Muslim members attending meetings to discuss the issues

Yours faithfully

Waltham Forest Streets for All Committee

and this is Clyde Loakes reply

To Whom It May Concern

The Market East CPZ is one of Waltham Forest's oldest CPZ's. Since it was first implemented, the area has seen an increase in population and changes in commercial activity. This review process aims to help address a wide range of long standing issues associated with the sheer size of this zone and the different problems this has led to around Walthamstow Town Centre. These includes issues such as:

• Commuting within the zone, where residents living on the outer edges of the zone are driving and parking near Walthamstow Central station and the Market.

• Whether the large size of the zone meets the diverse range of local needs and characteristics in the various sub-areas.

• Parking pressures and demand associated with local amenities and community facilities such as prioritising residential parking in residential streets, provision and enforcement of disabled bays, and short term parking in close proximity to community facilities.

In 2018, the Council undertook an engagement exercise to seek residents opinions to better understand whether the current CPZ operating times and overall parking arrangements meet the needs of the community. Based on the responses to this survey, the Council identified areas within the existing ME CPZ where the majority of respondents wanted either an increase or decrease to the current parking times, which informed the options included within the current consultation.

Resident only parking bays are bays which are designated for the use of resident permit holders, which means other permit holders such as business permit holders cannot park in them. One of the key issues raised in the engagement exercise relates to the number of business permit holders parking in residential streets, reducing the capacity for local residents. The proposal to introduce resident permit bays has been developed in response to these concerns, by local residents. Please note that visitor vouchers and trade permits can still be used in such resident only permit parking bays.

The Market East CPZ is a very large review with 6 separate consultations taking place concurrently. Doing this through an online process gives residents complete transparency for all proposals and the questions being asked to each of the new areas, which would not be possible through a paper-only process. We have delivered leaflets to every property within the zone and installed street posters to raise awareness of the consultation. These include information on how residents can request a paper copy of the consultation document by contacting the Traffic Team at or by calling 0208 496 2525. If you are aware of anyone needing documents please do not hesitate in contacting the Traffic Team.

Residents can use the 'What are your key issues and concerns?' dialogue box, should they wish to raise any particular issues.

The three week consultation period is in line with all CPZ consultations and reviews that the Council has undertaken. During the preparation of the ME CPZ review consultation, we have considered the potential impacts of the consultation taking place during Ramadan and fully understand the effects of Ramadan. However, this does not prevent residents from contributing in the consultation and providing a response.

Cllr Clyde Loakes

Dep. Leader

LB Waltham Forest


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