It's not just Waltham Forest!
It would be great to form some kind of London wide campaign. The London Cycling Campaign is extremely well-organised and vociferous and has been working for years to get our city changed the way they want.
Of course WFS4A supports more safety for cyclists. It is horrifying how many cycling deaths there have been. However safety and convenience for cyclists should NOT come at the expense of safety and convenience for pedestrians and users of public transport.
Sadiq Khan and others will NOT listen to the pleas of some of the most vulnerable in our communities about how Mini Holland type initiatives are affecting them. Just to remind you, you can read some of the comments on the original 6,000 plus petition sent to the Mayor (and completely ignored by him) here
Here are some letters from the Camden New Journal. Would be good to link up with all these people. So if you are them, or know them, please email