Ambulance Delay
We are very pleased that the person who had a stroke at the Ghosia Community Centre has at last been allowed home from hospital. Person felt unwell at the Centre a few weeks ago and an ambulance was called. A while later the ambulance crew phoned to say they couldn't work out how to get to the Centre because of all the road closures. They were given directions and eventually arrived, confirmed it was a stroke, and took the person as fast as possible to the Royal London specialist stroke unit.
Many of you will know that every second counts with a stroke. This person was in the London for over a week. Possibly that would have happened anyway, but maybe if it werent for Mini Holland the ambulance would have got there sooner and the damage would have been less severe in the long term. It is not yet clear how good a recovery the person will make.
There are mobile phone records of how long all this took, and also a recording of the paramedics railing about the dangerous Mini-Holland road closures.